May 26-27 – Workshop on Setting a Broader Impact innovation Roadmap Investigators Supported by the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) within the Engineering Directorate at the National Science Foundation


This workshop brings together thought-leaders from the Civil, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering academic research communities to define a roadmap for Broader Impact innovations for CMMI. This 1.5-day workshop will include academic researcher leaders who have demonstrated innovation in Broader Impact activities, creating measurable economic, human capital, and societal value through their research. People in positions who can advance and promulgate the vision from this workshop will also be invited to participate and contribute to this effort. The output of this workshop will be a report and road map that outlines how new thinking on Broader Impact and institution initiatives can facilitate greater value for NSF investments, how to support panelists to identify, evaluate, and value innovative Broad Impact ideas, and how researchers can reposition their Broader Impact activities to provide a wider footprint of value for NSF investments.

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